Bacely YoroBi

Internet Strategist
San Francisco
Founder SocialSpot , internet strategist and ITC4D Enthousiast


Bacely YoroBi

UX/UI Design
Product Design
Internet Strategy
Public Speaking
Web/Mobile Developement
Event Management
Startup Engineering
Game Business Developement

Bacely Yorobi is a Ivorian WebActivist and Internet Strategist - Founder and CEO of SOCIALSPOT ( Startup a 2nd Dauphin of the first edition of Startup Weekend in Abidjan capital of his country Ivory Coast. He is the founder and Creative Executive Officer YojeDesign (group of coworkers), the Community Manager of the GDG Abidjan and Mozilla Reps Abidjan Ivory Coast. It is also a Tech-enthusiast passionate about development issues in Africa by ICTand he is Award Start-UP competition ICI2014 Forum.He is a West African Coordinator to #WEBDAYS and initiator of GAMECAMP (International VIDEO GAME Barcamp) in Africa.Bacely has spoken at numerous conferences on Open Source and Free Software and other topics including DEMO Africa, Carrefour des Possibles, DzWebdays,GDG Barcamp Abidjan.